The many lives of filmmaker Craig Laurence Rice
April 10, 2013 | By Lu Lippold, TC Daily Planet
In Part One of our little fireside chat with filmmaker Craig Laurence Rice, we learned that before he got around to programming this year’s “Minnesota Made” films at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival, he had dropped out of Lutheran high school, become a hard-living bass player, and happened upon a scholarship to one of the best film schools in the world. We left him in L.A. with his broken-down car, desperately wanting to hightail it back to Minnesota.
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Butter City
January 7th, 2012 | By Joanna Kohler
Filmmaker and Educator Craig Laurence Rice, the man behind the documentary 'Half Past Autumn: The Life and Works of Gordon Parks,' is the featured guest on the premiere episode of the 3rd season of Butter City. Host Joanna Kohler discusses Mr. Rice's filmmaking roots and his work as educator with students on the Northside of Minneapolis.
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